10 Tricky Words in English and How to avoid Misspelling

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By  FastInfo Class

Published on  16 Jun 2021

Updated On  04 Apr 2022

Category  Spoken English

Odd combinations of letters run amok and pronunciation is not always a proper indicator of spelling – so it’s no wonder English learners also native speakers, sometimes struggle to write and spell correctly.

6 Reasons why it is Never Too Late to learn English

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By  FastInfo Class

Published on  14 Jun 2021

Updated On  13 Sep 2023

Category  Spoken English

It's never too Late to Learn.

12 English Words that Sound the same

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By  FastInfo Class

Published on  12 Jun 2021

Updated On  25 Apr 2024

Category  Spoken English

We’re all guilty of using a thesaurus to find complicated words to use to sound smarter.

Why is Learning English through a Course Beneficial?

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By  FastInfo Class

Published on  31 May 2021

Updated On  04 Apr 2022

Category  Spoken English

Speaking more than one language can keep our brains in good shape for longer and even help them function better.

What are the Benefits of Speaking English Fluently?

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By  FastInfo Class

Published on  27 May 2021

Updated On  25 Apr 2024

Category  Spoken English

Learning English as a second language is a little difficult because of many common English words. But, there are vast opportunities waiting if you can grasp this language properly. Read to know more about the benefits of speaking English fluently.